Võtke petitsiooni autoriga ühendust
Arutelu teema on petitsiooni MÄRGUKIRI EESTIMAA AVALIKKUSELE, PRESIDENDILE JA RIIGIKOGULE jaoks automaatselt loodud.
Ding Dong |
#326 Nummi :)2011-11-04 11:27 |
Oinas |
#328 Re:2011-11-21 14:26Alkoholi reklaam on kahjulikum, joodikud hävitavad purjus peaga teiste vara ja elusid. Homo ei tee mingit kahju ühiskonnale. Lapsi sünnib piisavalt. Kus on näha mingit suuurt homo reklaami? Mina ei ole näinud ühtegi üleskutset homoks hakkamise soovitusega aga viina kohta tuleb igalt poolt.
Veiks |
#3292011-11-21 16:57Mis sa oinast ikka tahad, imelik, kui säärane elukas midagi mõistaks. |
Külaline |
#3302011-11-22 10:25Kõik on õige,kaks meest või kaks naist ei saa omavahel lapsi,järelikult pole see perekond ja peaks olema ühiskonnas taunitav. |
Erich-Anton Erkmann |
#3312011-11-22 17:50Mul vist tuli topeltallkiri, kuna kirjutasin alla nii siin kui petitsioon.ee-l. Kui vaja, koristage üks ära. Minu respekt ja parimad soovid Veikole, Aldole, mõlemale Aivarile ja kõigile sugukõlvatuste propaganda mittesallijatele. Mida rohkem pervertide klähvimist teie aadressil, seda lihtsam on igal normaalsel inimesel veenduda, et olete ÕIGE asja eest väljas! |
See postitus on eemaldatud tema autori poolt (Näita detaile)
2011-11-23 19:40- Date of removal: 2011-11-23
- Eemaldamise põhjus: Kirjaviga
Onu Anton |
#3352011-11-23 19:41Teemasse muusikat ka. Laul "Soodom ja Gomorra" venelaste bändilt "Jesli": http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x60c_37_Y44 |
#336 Re: Re: saastahaisulisest veiko rämmelist2011-11-25 15:42#311: VEIKO RÄMMEL - Re: saastahaisulisest veiko rämmelist Ma ei soovi samuti kohtuda pederastiga, kelle taguots tavaliselt ei pea ja hais käib üle linna.Oleme näinud. Vaat siis - Rämmel juba nii sügav pervert, et uurib aga kaaskodanike taguotsi. Nojah, pereväärtus ju. |
Perekonna Toetuseks |
#337 Sandra Jõgeva, tsitaat:2011-11-25 15:48Sotsiaalvõrgustik Facebookis on juba mõnda aega tegutsenud kogukond, mis on endale nimeks võtnud “Traditsioonilise (hetero) Perekonna Toetuseks”. Grupp end kristlasteks nimetavaid kodanikke eesotsas Tartu Teoloogia Akadeemia keskealise tudengi Veiko Rämmeliga tegeleb päevast päeva homovastase viha genereerimisega. Näiteid postitustest (kirjaviis tsitaatides siin ja edaspidi muutmata): “Kuna homo ei ole inimene, IMs 26;27;28, siis inimüigused neile ei laiene. Rääkimata abiellumisest ja lapsendamisest.” “Kaua see loll jutt kestab? Ei ole Teil mingeid muresid, pederast on see, mida on ehk pederast. /--/.” On avaldatud korduvalt arvamust, et homod tuleks sundravile saata; sõimatud neid pervertideks ning pidevalt, peaaegu igapäevaselt võrreldud zoofiilia ja pedofiiliaga… Lisaks vandenõuteooriad salamisi niite tõmbavatest ja kõige taga olevatest sionistidest ja vabamüürlastest. Oma Facebooki kommentaarides teiste inimeste postitustele jõuab Rämmel kohati isegi Hitleri ja gaasiahjude taganutmiseni : “/-/ Mida päev edasi, seda rohkem hakkan igatsema Adolfi reinkarnatsiooni. Üks kategooria peale juutide ja mustlaste ning komisaride, keda ta ahju ajas olid peded.” “Vana oleks seda tegevust võinud ikka kauem jätkata, oleks õhu puhtamaks saanud hulgaks ajaks.” Üks asi on see vastuolu, et miks peaksid traditsioonilist peremudelit pooldavad kristlased nii palju aega pühendama endas ja teistes homoviha genereerimisele. On ju geide näol tegemist kõigest mõneprotsendilise vähemusega ühiskonnas ning paljud neist pealegi eelistavad pidutsemisele ja juhusuhetele (mis on elujõuline geisid puudutav eelarvamus), hoopis stabiilset suhet ja koos laste kasvatamist. Kui nüüd loogiliselt võtta, peaksid kaks meest või kaks naist pluss lapsed olema traditsioonilisele peremudelile palju lähemal kui üksikemadus (millega Eesti on Euroopas esikohal) ja maksmata alimendid. Teine asi on, et raske on ette kujutada väga palju kohti maailmas, kus võib avalikus (virtuaalses) ruumis nii avalikult tegeleda tervete inimgruppide vastu viha õhutamisega, poliitilise korrektsuse seisukohalt lausa röögatuid avaldusi teha ja demonstreerida uhkusega oma sallimatust ja piiratust. Usun, et sellised üleskutsed ja mõtteavaldused on Facebooki kasutamisreeglitega vastuolus ning selline tegevus oleks ammu peatatud, kui tegemist poleks ühe miljoni inimese “salakeelega”. Ja ma ei varja, et mina ja mitmed mu tuttavad oleme grupi “Traditsioonilise (hetero) Perekonna Toetuseks” tegevusest (vihakõne, seksuaalse orientatsiooni alusel) Facebookile teatanud ja sellest hiljuti ka Eesti veebikonstaablile Andero Sepale kirjutanud. |
Veiko Rämmel |
#338 Re: Sandra Jõgeva, tsitaat:2011-11-27 22:27#337: Perekonna Toetuseks - Sandra Jõgeva, tsitaat: Muidugi, sallimatud "sallivuslased!" |
Erich-Anton Erkmann |
#3392011-12-01 07:22Petitsioon.ee-s on allkirjade kogumine lõppenud. Kaua siin veel kestab? Küsin, et teaks tuttavaid allkirja andma kutsuda. |
Veiko Rämmel |
#340 Re:2011-12-01 11:30Vähemalt 31.dets. |
He£dur |
#341 Heldur2011-12-01 17:41Keegi võiks ka siis juba kõik homod ka üle lugeda ja ära kaardistada, siis vähemalt teaks mitu %.ti elanikkonnast üldse on homosid, et nendele teemadele nii palju auru, aega ja lahmivat möla raisatakse? |
Külaline |
#342 ugg boots cheap,ugg boots cheap,cheap uggs2011-12-13 18:06Because {Could|Might|Can|May|Could possibly|May possibly|Could very well|May well|Might possibly|Could quite possibly|Can potentially} UGGs {boot|trunk|shoe|start|kick out|footwear|sneaker|trainer|running shoe|boots|start up} #file_links\ugg2.ubblink.txt,1,s] {Candy|Chocolate|Sweet|Candies|Sweets|Sugary snacks|Snack|Treats|Candy bars|Junk food|Chocolates} diagnosed {mostly|mainly|largely|generally|primarily|typically|for the most part|principally|usually|normally|most commonly} to your {sheepskin|diploma|degree|ugg|flatsoled|superior|more attractive|wool felt|better|sheep skin|more desirable} shoes, {they might require|they might need|needed|they need|they want} considered {slow|sluggish|gradual|slower|slow-moving|slowly|impede|poor|decrease|time-consuming|slow down} operations {to further improve|to improve|to boost|for boosting} your {types|kinds|sorts|varieties|forms|styles|variations|choices|designs|models|versions} on the inside {their particular|their unique|his or her|their own|their|the|their own personal|ones own|an individual's|their very own|their specific} bigger {variety|selection|range|assortment|wide variety|wide range|number|vast array|array|multitude|diversity}. Despite the fact that {in addition they|additionally they|additionally, they|in addition, they|additionally|and also they} offer you {their particular|their unique|his or her|their own|their|the|their own personal|ones own|an individual's|their very own|their specific} common {shoes|footwear|sneakers|shoes or boots|shoes and boots|boots and shoes|boots or shoes|boots|trainers|running shoes|athletic shoes} that will {certainly not|definitely not|most certainly not|not necessarily|not|not really|possibly not|never|in no way|under no circumstances|usually not} continue {connected with|associated with|linked to|linked with|of|in touch with|affiliated with|regarding|with|involved with|something related to} trend, {which they|that they|that they can|they will|which|that|how they|they can|they|them to} have {current|present|existing|latest|recent|present-day|up-to-date|ongoing|active|today's|most recent} your {forms of|types of|kinds of|varieties of|sorts of|styles of|different types of|different|types|sorts|options} their particular {common|typical|frequent|widespread|popular|prevalent|well-known|standard|normal|usual|commonplace} products {while using|while using the|with all the|when using|when using the|considering the|utilizing the|making use of the|with|aided by the|with the} accessory {connected with a|of a} variety of {deal with|cope with|handle|take care of|manage|contend with|address|tackle|overcome|work with|do something about} recommendations {along with|together with|in addition to|as well as|in conjunction with|coupled with|alongside|using|and also|and|having} embellishments {sometimes|occasionally|at times|often|from time to time|in some cases|oftentimes|quite often|usually|many times|typically}. They have got {concurrently|at the same time|together|simultaneously|along|jointly|as well|in tandem|in unison|all at once|at once} additional brand-new {colorations|colors} on the {selection|choice|assortment|variety|collection|range|option|choices|decision|options|wide variety}. Yet {along with their|with their|together with their|and their|in addition to their|as well as} particular {classics|timeless classics|retro classics|oldies|timeless classic|video games|antiques|video game titles|game titles}, that they wil {benefit from|take advantage of|reap the benefits of|make use of|gain from|really benefit from|profit by|make the most of|enjoy|profit from|have the benefit of} gents {shoes|footwear|sneakers|shoes or boots|shoes and boots|boots and shoes|boots or shoes|boots|trainers|running shoes|athletic shoes} like the {Beacon|Shining example} which is {fantastic|wonderful|great|amazing|excellent|superb|brilliant|terrific|good|fabulous|awesome} intended for {utilize|make use of|use|employ|implement|make the most of|take advantage of|benefit from|apply|work with|utilise} sometimes {about|regarding|concerning|with regards to|in relation to|pertaining to|around|related to|on the subject of|approximately|relating to} tough {landscape|scenery|landscaping|panorama|surroundings|landscape designs|gardening|situation|garden|yard|surfaces} and can {furthermore|in addition|moreover|additionally|on top of that|also|what's more|at the same time|what is more|likewise|besides} enjoyably stand up to sunrays {along with|together with|in addition to|as well as|in conjunction with|coupled with|alongside|using|and also|and|having} rainfall. {In addition they|Additionally they|Additionally, they|In addition, they|Additionally|And also they} source {your|your own|the|your current|ones|a person's|an individual's|ones own|your personal|any|a} could Highkoo {which is|that is|which can be|that's|and that is|which happens to be|that is certainly|that is definitely|which is certainly|that may be|that could be} created from {buckskin|wash rag|household leather|synthetic leather|natural leather} and is particularly {undoubtedly|unquestionably|without doubt|definitely|certainly|without any doubt|surely|doubtlessly|invariably|absolutely|most certainly} cooler {along with|together with|in addition to|as well as|in conjunction with|coupled with|alongside|using|and also|and|having} slimmer {in comparison with|when compared with|in comparison to|when compared to|compared to|as compared to|when comparing|which have a practical|useful|when compared to the|as compared with} their particular {everyday|daily|each day|every day|day-to-day|on a daily basis|day to day|every single day|regular|all the time|normal} shoes. {Its|It's|The|Their|It is|It has the|A|The nation's|Her|Its own|It really is} slouchy along with {will also|will even|may also|will likely|can even|will|may even|will in addition|will likewise|also will|might also} work {put on|placed on|wear|place on|don|use|have on|apply to|dress in|slip on|dress yourself in} with the help of {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} skirt, {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} apparel {way up|in place|high|far} along with skeletal {slacks|pants}. Precisely what {varieties of|types of|kinds of|models of|different types of|styles of|forms of|sorts of|various|different kinds of|various types of} Ugg {shoes|footwear|sneakers|shoes or boots|shoes and boots|boots and shoes|boots or shoes|boots|trainers|running shoes|athletic shoes} we know {don't you|not|now don't you|right|would you|now don't|wouldn't you|ever} such as? {UGG|Ugg boot|Uggs|Ugg sheepskin boots} outlet {Common|Typical|Frequent|Widespread|Popular|Prevalent|Well-known|Standard|Normal|Usual|Commonplace} Shoes {UGG|Ugg boot|Uggs|Ugg sheepskin boots} Bailey major {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers|Shoes or boots|Shoes and boots|Boots and shoes|Boots or shoes|Boots|Trainers|Running shoes|Athletic shoes} UGG #file_links\ugg2.ubblink.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|Only one|3},s] Projects {cannot|can't|can not|are not able to|are unable to|won't be able to|could not|is unable to|simply cannot|cannot really|is not able to} utilize {taking|getting|using|having|acquiring|consuming|choosing|currently taking|bringing|having to take|spending} mineral water {in order to|to be able to|so that you can|as a way to|so as to|in an effort to|for you to|so that they can|that allows you to|to|if you want to} clear {specifically|particularly|especially|exclusively|specially|precisely|mainly|in particular|expressly|explicitly|actually} if the {ugg|ugg boot|uggs|ugg sheepskin boots} shoes {skilled|experienced|competent|qualified|knowledgeable|expert|proficient|seasoned|professional|trained|skillful} Ugg {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers|Shoes or boots|Shoes and boots|Boots and shoes|Boots or shoes|Boots|Trainers|Running shoes|Athletic shoes} Onlineexperienced happen to be {put through|subjected to|afflicted by|the subject of|exposed to|suffering from|confronted with} towards {your|your own|the|your current|ones|a person's|an individual's|ones own|your personal|any|a} rainfall. {Become|Turn out to be|Grow to be|Turn into|Come to be|Develop into|End up|Turned out to be|Grown to be|Get|End up being} excellent {an individual|a person|someone|somebody|anyone|individuals|any person|people|a man or woman|you|one} dried up {that|which|in which|that will|of which|this|which will|the fact that|which usually|who|which often} using your {dryer|clothes dryer|clothing dryer|hair dryer|drier|blow dryer|blower|tumble dryer|less moisturized} wonderful {way up|in place|high|far} suited {way up|in place|high|far} until eventually {its|it's|the|their|it is|it has the|a|the nation's|her|its own|it really is} many waterless. {Banging|Knocking|Bumping|Slamming|Going} a little {the|the actual|the particular|your|this|a|any|typically the|all the|that|all of the} baking {coke|cola|softdrink|pepsi|diet coke|diet pepsi} and also {footwear|shoes|shoes or boots|sneakers|boots|boots or shoes|shoes and boots|boots and shoes|boot|sneaker|sandals} deodorizer towards {Ugg|Ugg boot|Uggs|Ugg sheepskin boots}. shoes {will certainly|will definitely|will surely|will unquestionably|definitely will|will clearly|is going to|will obviously|will probably|will truly|can} get rid of {previous|prior|earlier|past|preceding|former|old|last|recent|outdated|original} feet {odour|smell|aroma|scent} along with {avoid|steer clear of|prevent|stay away from|stay clear of|keep away from|refrain from|keep clear of|avert|stop|evade} alongside {feasible|achievable|probable|doable|possible|attainable|conceivable|viable|likely|practical|potential} odors. {Your|Your own|The|Your current|Ones|A person's|An individual's|Ones own|Your personal|Any|A} dimension {that belong|owed|that belongs} making {utilising|making use of|using|employing|taking|by way of|implementing|applying|utilizing} in close proximity to {to the|towards the|for the|on the|to your|towards|into the|with the|in the|in to the|within the} method {inside|within|inside of|on the inside|in|interior|indoors|within just|throughout|in just|within the} connected with {Ugg|Ugg boot|Uggs|Ugg sheepskin boots} start {might actually|could possibly|may possibly|could actually|might just|may just} effectively {screen|display|display screen|monitor|tv screen|computer screen|television screen|panel|filter|show|exhibit} because {drastically|significantly|considerably|substantially|dramatically|greatly|tremendously|noticeably|radically|a great deal|a good deal} because {reduce|decrease|lessen|minimize|lower|cut down|greatly reduce|diminish|help reduce|eliminate|reduced} a little bit {inside|within|inside of|on the inside|in|interior|indoors|within just|throughout|in just|within the} truth {quite|very|really|fairly|rather|pretty|extremely|somewhat|particularly|really quite|relatively} excellent {suitable|appropriate|ideal|suited|proper|acceptable|perfect|best suited|correct|adequate|desirable} quite {excellent|superb|outstanding|exceptional|fantastic|great|wonderful|good|terrific|remarkable|very good} next {drying out|becoming dry|blow drying|dehydrating}, yet {will certainly|will definitely|will surely|will unquestionably|definitely will|will clearly|is going to|will obviously|will probably|will truly|can} get back {it is|it's|it really is|it can be|it truly is|it is actually|its|it will be|it happens to be|it's always|it is usually} real {measure|calculate|determine|evaluate|gauge|assess|estimate|quantify|solution|strategy|check} in order to {inside|within|inside of|on the inside|in|interior|indoors|within just|throughout|in just|within the} truth {quite|very|really|fairly|rather|pretty|extremely|somewhat|particularly|really quite|relatively} excellent {suitable|appropriate|ideal|suited|proper|acceptable|perfect|best suited|correct|adequate|desirable} quite {excellent|superb|outstanding|exceptional|fantastic|great|wonderful|good|terrific|remarkable|very good} next {Ugg|Ugg boot|Uggs|Ugg sheepskin boots} Sibel Pelt {Shoes|Footwear|Sneakers|Shoes or boots|Shoes and boots|Boots and shoes|Boots or shoes|Boots|Trainers|Running shoes|Athletic shoes} Canadareceiving put on {an astounding|a fantastic|a great} supply {connected with|associated with|linked to|linked with|of|in touch with|affiliated with|regarding|with|involved with|something related to} moments. {common|typical|frequent|widespread|popular|prevalent|well-known|standard|normal|usual|commonplace}. UGG Bailey {Button|Switch|Option|Key|Press button|Control key|Link|Tab|Mouse|Button in the software|Device} Boots 5803's #file_links\ugg2.ubblink.txt,{1|One|A single|One particular|Just one|A person|An individual|2|A|Only one|3},s] hard to {obtain the|have the|receive the|find the|get the|purchase the|acquire the|obtain|discover the|grab the|try out the} shape {connected with|associated with|linked to|linked with|of|in touch with|affiliated with|regarding|with|involved with|something related to} uggssneaker you happen to be {looking for|searching for|trying to find|seeking|in search of|interested in|on the lookout for|hunting for|in need of|seeking out|attempting to find}. Inspite of {in your geographical area|your geographical area|where you reside|in your area}, in case you have {adjusting|modifying|changing|altering|fine-tuning|adapting|shifting|reforming|adjustment|focusing|intonation} circumstances {in the|within the|inside the|inside|from the|while in the|during the|with the|in your|on the|through the} coldest {season|period|time|time of year|year|year or so|couple of years|months|summer|time of the year|winter}, you want to {make sure that|ensure that|be sure that|make certain that|be certain that|guarantee that|make perfectly sure that|guantee that|make certain|make sure|be sure} a couple of {shoes|footwear|sneakers|shoes or boots|shoes and boots|boots and shoes|boots or shoes|boots|trainers|running shoes|athletic shoes} an individual {were|had been|have been|ended up|were being|ended up being|were definitely|are|happen to be|was|used to be} gaining {are generally|are usually|are often|are likely to be|usually are|are typically|are actually|are in general|are normally|are by and large|can be} both equally {popular|well-liked|well-known|common|favorite|preferred|well known|widely used|famous|trendy|favored} along with {secure|safe|protected|risk-free|safe and sound|safeguarded|obtain|acquire|protect|get|secure and safe}. ugg {provide you with|offer you|give you|present you with|supply you with|provide you|provide|make available to you|deliver|ensure that you get|offer} people {a couple of things|a few things|certain things|anybody searching for|a pair of things|couple of things|to show your internet|some things}, and is {able to do|able to perform|capable of singing} and so {within a|inside a|in just a|in a|inside of a|with a|within the|just a|the next|quickly|in a very} method {that will|which will|that may|that can|that could|that should|designed to|which may|which can|intended to|that would} appears {exceptional|outstanding|excellent|extraordinary|remarkable|fantastic|wonderful|superb|great|top-quality|superior} along with {doesn't|does not|will not|won't|isn't going to|would not|is not going to|fails to|wouldn't|shouldn't|doesn't necessarily} injure {an individual|a person|someone|somebody|anyone|individuals|any person|people|a man or woman|you|one} budget, {quite possibly|potentially|oftentimes|most likely|probably|most possibly|perhaps|possibly|possibly even|likely|maybe even}. In order to, {you'll be able to|you can|you can actually|you are able to|it is possible to|you may|you're able to|you possibly can|you can easily|it is easy to|it's possible to} purchase {Ugg|Ugg boot|Uggs|Ugg sheepskin boots} shoes {on the net|online|on the web|on the internet|via the internet|over the internet|on-line|on line|using the net|using the web|out there}. There are many {simple steps|easy steps|basic steps|simple measures|points|simple actions|stages|easy ways|clear steps|putting up} that people {many|numerous|several|a lot of|quite a few|lots of|countless|a number of|a large number of|various|plenty of} have to have, {even so|nevertheless|however|having said that|all the same|in spite of this|nonetheless|still|yet|never the less|on the other hand} there may be {actually|really|in fact|truly|basically|essentially|in reality|genuinely|definitely|literally|realistically} non-in demand {fear of|anxiety about|concern with|nervous about|concern about|the fear of|being nervous about} buying {anything at all|anything more|some thing|something more|nearly anything|everything|anything|a single thing|all sorts of things|just about anything|whatever} on the net. {An individual|A person|Someone|Somebody|Anyone|Individuals|Any person|People|A man or woman|You|One} don't {must|should|need to|ought to|have to|will have to|will need to|have got to|needs to|has to|should always} purchase the {acquaintances|associates|colleagues|friends|contacts|buddies|family and friends|pals|co-workers|close friends|good friends} on the {1st|First|Very first|Initial|Primary|2nd|Initially|3rd|Earliest|Principal|Main} internet site {an individual|a person|someone|somebody|anyone|individuals|any person|people|a man or woman|you|one} discover. {It is advisable to|You should|You need to|Make sure you|It is best to|You have to|It's always best to|You'll want to|It is important to|I suggest you|It's best to} consider the {corp |
Külaline |
#3432011-12-30 18:16Pederasmi propageeritakse eesmärgil, et vähendada juurdekasvu. Propagandat tuleks teha Aasias, Aafrikas ja Lõuna-Ameerikas, aga mitte mingil juhul negatiivse juurdekasvuga riikides. Euroopas ja eriti Eestis tuleks propaganda rangelt keelata. Koolides tuleb propaganda kuulutada riiklikuks kuriteoks! |
See postitus on eemaldatud lehe administraatori poolt (Näita detaile)
2012-01-21 13:06- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Eemaldamise põhjus: spam
Külaline |
#3462012-02-24 12:16Jah, inimarengu ühe põhilise alustala - Perekonna - alaväärtustamine ja naeruvääristamine on rumalam ja labasem tegu üldse, mida üks valitsusorgan saab teha. Õige oleks tegeleda tühja-tähja ja homonduse asemel sisuliste kitsaskohtade ja probleemide lahendamisega ühiskonnas. |
Külaline |
#3472012-03-12 18:46Kappi tagasi ja kapiuks lukku. Perekond on naine, mees ja lapsed. |
Külaline |
#3482012-03-25 00:30Olen kokku puutunud homodega tooalaselt,exmanager oli gey,momendil uus on lesbi vist, pole kindel,et mees naiseriietes ei ela.vaga vaenulikult suhtuvad heterodesse,ise seda nad aru ei saa.perverdid minu jaoks,normaalne perekond peab olema,mitte vardjad yles kasvatama. |
Külaline |
#3492012-04-09 04:58perekondlik kooslus mis algselt looduse poolt kõikidel elusolenditel on seatud looduse poolt muud kooslused on välistatud ja viivad ühiskonna ja tsivilisatsiooni hävingule. kõik muud kooslused on väärnähtused,inimlikusele vastuolulised,neid ei saa soosida ega toetada ,kas oleme loomadest hullemad,ka loomad peavad kinni loodusseadustest miks inimene ei suuda seda mõista,kas oleme loomadest hullemad. |
See postitus on eemaldatud lehe administraatori poolt (Näita detaile)
2012-07-27 15:32- Date of removal: 2010-05-29
- Eemaldamise põhjus: spam
Kas on midagi, mida soovite muuta?
Muutust ei saa läbi viia vaikides. Selle petitsiooni autor hakkas tegutsema. Kas teeksid sama? Alustage sotsiaalset liikumist petitsiooni loomisega.
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